Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group

The overall goal of CHERG is to develop and deploy new and improved evidence on the causes and determinants of maternal, neonatal and child morbidity and mortality, on intervention coverage, and on the effectiveness of interventions to inform and influence global priorities and programs.

The main purposes of the CHERG are

  • advise WHO and other international organizations on the most appropriate methods and assumptions for their global, regional and country level child health epidemiological estimates;
  • advise researchers and public health officials on the different issues involved in the estimation of cause-specific morbidity and mortality; and
  • publish papers, reports and reviews on child health epidemiology, especially on the distribution of causes of death.
Julia Kaufmann
Julia is 34 years old and has studied nutritional sciences. She specializes in nutrition, health and fitness. To this end, she passionately analyzes the new trends in nutritional supplements, evaluates them under the strictest regulations and does her best to help other people feel better about life.


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