Incidence and sequelae of child morbidity
CHERG will provide estimates of child morbidity, including etiology-specific morbidity, by continuously updating systematic reviews and by seeking additional sources of data from country-level work and from research underway, such as the studies of the etiology of diarrhea and pneumonia funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI. Incorporating data from these more recent data collection efforts will provide up-to-date estimates and enable the working groups to incorporate the effects of disease-specific child survival interventions into estimates. The data from the selected sites for etiology work must be utilized in a way that allows generalization within and possibly across regions, as sites are not necessarily representative.
Methods and Expected Products
This activity will be carried out by the CHERG morbidity working groups (one each on diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria morbidities) that will conduct systematic reviews of information on child morbidity. The work of the morbidity working groups includes:
- identification of on-going projects with active data collection that will be able to contribute up-to-date data on incidence and prevalence of major childhood morbidities;
- identification of disease specific and comprehensive child survival projects whose accelerated roll-out strategies will affect yearly morbidity estimates;
- development of a strategy for incorporating data from new large-scale data collection efforts, and relate all data to the changing face of child survival in light of accelerated programs;
- collection of the disease specific data and develop a model to estimate the impact of disease-specific interventions and use this to improve morbidity estimates;
- examination of the validity of cross-sectional measures of the prevalence of diseases such as diarrhea and respiratory infections;
- use of the most recent morbidity data to recommend a new set of indicators for use in large-scale surveys such as DHS; and
- utilization of all available data to estimate the national, regional, and global burden of childhood morbidity.
Final analyses of all data sources and the modeling of interventions will be made available on the project website, and disease-specific estimates will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. The CHERG morbidity working groups will work with other organizations to develop sub-regional estimates of child morbidity.
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